We need a referral from your GP or medical professional to be able to see you. Please talk to them and ask for a referral letter to be faxed to us.

The referral your GP has sent usually contains all the information we need, however it’s always good to bring along an up-to-date medication list and the results of any investigations you have had.

Usually people find it easiest to drive and park at one of the carparks adjacent to the Flinders Private Hospital. 

Parking is also readily available adjacent to the Victor Medical Centre.

New patient appointments are 40 minutes, while repeat patient appointments are 20 minutes. Sometimes patients take longer than expected and we can run late. Please know that we will do everything we can to not keep you waiting.

You can help reduce waiting times by arriving 10 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment.

Out-of-pocket expenses are the same for all outpatient appointments regardless of whether or not you have private health cover or which private health cover you have.

 Total Medicare
Gap (out-of-pocket
Initial consult$292.65       $142.65       $150.00    
Initial consult (complex)$399.40$249.40$150.00
Follow up consult$131.40$71.40$60.00
Follow up consult (complex)     $184.90$124.90$60.00


Inpatient admissions and day unit therapy Inpatient treatment in Flinders Private Hospital or through our day unit is subsidised by your private health cover. Southern Haematology does not charge a gap for inpatient or day patient treatments, however there may be an out-of-pocket expense charged by Flinders Private Hospital. You may wish to contact your insurance provider prior to your appointment to establish whether this applies to you.